New Clickers Evening June 2019

Keyworth Camera Club held a New Clickers event on Thursday 20th June. After a couple of weeks of almost non-stop rain we were blessed with an evening of glorious sunshine. Once again, a New Clickers meeting exceeded expectations in the number of participants (eighteen) attending and in the quantity of images taken.
Our New Clickers were divided into small groups of two, three or four and each of these were teamed up with a more experienced member of KCC. Our eager to learn beginners were then set a number of tasks to complete in one and a half hours; these being to produce two different portraits of their fellow New Clicker(s), to photograph some architecture and finally to capture the essence of the local pub in which we had secured a room to view the results whilst enjoying liquid refreshments of choice.
This evening proved to be a resounding success with all the New Clickers saying how much they had thoroughly enjoyed the event and that they had learnt a lot from their mentors. Even the local villagers were highly entertained by our antics and freely offered encouragement, advice and sarcasm which was all taken in the spirit it was offered.
Special thanks must be given to David Kissman for creating the concept and ensuring everything ran smoothly and to the owners and staff of The Plough, Normanton-on-the-Wolds, for making us so welcome.
David ensured us that another New Clickers event is already in the planning stages and this is greatly anticipated by all.

20th June 2019