A Very Warm Welcome to Keyworth Camera Club

This site shows examples of our photographic work and provides information about the club, our meetings and programme.

For more information about the club click About Us

Our Most Recent Posts

Distinction Successes

We are proud to announce that two Keyworth Camera Club members have achieved further FIAP (The International Federation of Photographic…
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May 2024 Review

Season 2023/24 ends with a cliff-hanger. On May 2nd we showed the N&EMPF audio visual of the print sections of…
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April 2024 Review

On April 4th, KCC held one of its ever-popular critique nights. This time, we tried a new format. Members were…
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Nottingham Trip for Club Members

On Saturday 27th April, a small group of Keyworth Camera Club members visited the Beltane Pagan Festival held in Nottingham’s…
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Success for Three Club Members

Success for three Keyworth Camera Club members. Congratulations to three of our newer members, Michael Barke, Geoff Foster and Trevor…
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March 2024 Review

March saw Keyworth Camera Club return to the hall after two months of Zoom meetings. On the 7th we held…
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February 2024 Review

Our February meetings were held entirely on Zoom, and due to the bad weather conditions we’ve had during this month…
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Our PAGB GB Cup Results

Keyworth Camera Club are pleased to announce that three of our members gained awards in the recent PAGB GB Cup….
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January 2024 Review

As we move into a new year, Keyworth Camera Club have decided to have a couple of months where everything…
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December 2023 Review

December started with a bang, a superb evening from a very entertaining and terrific photographer. On the 7th, KCC were…
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2024-25 Season

Our full programme of events for the 2024-25 season will be published over the weeks. Whilst the majority of these will be held in the Parochial Church Hall we have again opted to use zoom for some of the nights so that we can attract speakers from further afield that we wouldn’t otherwise be able to see. Visit our Events section to see the programme for the 2024/25 once it goes live.

If you would like to join the club please see our membership page

Members should visit the Member Zone on a regular basis for news, information about special events and members only activities. You can also see details of the theme rounds for this seasons competitions.

Where and When do we meet?

The camera club meet every Thursday evening during the normal season, 7.45pm – 10.00 pm, which runs from the start of September through to the end of May, with a break over the Christmas period.

We meet at The Parochial Church Hall, Selby Lane, Keyworth NG12 5AN. Click here for map