February 2024 Review
Our February meetings were held entirely on Zoom, and due to the bad weather conditions we’ve had during this month it proved to be an inspired choice, as poor weather on club nights usually means fewer members turn up to the club room and by being able to take part from home meant we had good attendances. It also allowed us to bring in speakers from much further afield.
Dorset based photographic artist Huw Alban gave us a presentation called The Emotional Landscape on February 1st. His work has been published worldwide. Huw explained how he looks for an emotional connection with the landscapes he photographs before taking a photograph. This method of working certainly helped Huw create some eye-catching images.
On February 8th Barbie Lindsay MPAGB, FBPE, EFIAP/s AWPF gave us a talk called It’s a Small World. This was a captivating look at the vast variety of insects and other small creatures that inhabit East Anglia. Barbie’s macro work really brought out the stunning beauty of her small subjects that prompted our chairman to say he never realized there was such a huge diversity of insects to be found in our gardens and countryside.
Every year members of Keyworth Camera Club take up a year long challenge to take photographs of a certain subject. This year the theme was Nottinghamshire architecture, with one image to be posted each month to a private Flickr page. 23 of our members took part and on February 15th they showed three images each explaining the background to the photographs. This proved to be a fascinating look at the architecture that can be found in our county. It is photographs from this evening that you can see accompanying this post.
February 22nd saw Lynda Hayney ABPE, E/FIAP, DPAGB wow our membership with a talk titled My Creative Journey. Lynda explained how her Photoshop learning curve over the last 20 years had helped her create award winning images. As well as showing her stunning work, often featuring animals, Lynda demonstrated her techniques by putting together a couple of her terrific images.
Our final Zoom presentation was by Les Forrester ARPS on February 29th. Les had visited us a number of years ago, and his latest talk My Vision, My Photography showed how his style had developed since then. The majority of his images were of contemporary architecture and his light, almost pastel, finish to many of them was fully explained with comparison images being displayed too. Les also showed a variety of landscapes, which showed his use of long-exposures which produced quite simply beautiful results. Some of our members have already been trying some of the techniques Les introduced us to.