
Julian Elliott visited Keyworth Camera Club on January 6th to give us his presentation Patagonia. Julian is a landscape and travel photographer who is from Salisbury but now lives in France. He was due to give his talk in our club room but due to Covid this became impossible so Zoom came to the rescue.
Julian’s presentation was about what it was like to be a professional photographer. Julian is a self-taught photographer who prefers to get it right in camera as much as possible and spend as little time as he can in post-production.
No matter what the weather Julian has to get his shots, often in a time limited period, so there couldn’t be any hanging around waiting for better light. Shooting to a brief means he has to deliver, and he must remember he is visiting these fantastic locations to work, not to holiday.
The presentation proved to be a fascinating insight into the life of a professional travel photographer. The commentary was educational, about both the locations and Julian’s choice of gear. Humorous stories added a light-hearted tone to the talk and everything was supported by excellent photography.
Thank-you Julian, for giving Keyworth Camera Club such a compelling evening that was enjoyed by all.