Presentation by Ross McKelvey MPAGB MFIAP FIPF EFIAP/p FBPE

Thursday 14th May saw Keyworth Camera Club members and guests wowed by a superb Zoom presentation by Ross McKelvey MPAGB MFIAP FIPF EFIAP/p FBPE from Belfast. Portraiture and Art Nude both in the studio and on location are Ross’ preferred genres, although he does also enjoy landscape and nature photography and all these areas were covered in his talk.
The forty plus viewers were stunned by the sheer excellence of Ross’ work. His attention to detail, colour harmony, subject and background relationships, and the quality of light is superb. Ross’ mastery of both natural light and studio lighting something for us all to aspire to.
Many of Ross’ photographs involve some form of Photoshop work and Ross explained what had been done and exposed the creation methods behind some of his images. He did this by revealing his techniques in a series of live demonstrations that showed how simply photographs can be improved with a little know-how and practise.
Ross was very open to questions and these were answered in an easy to understand language that both beginners and advanced workers could appreciate be they about Photoshop or camera use.
This talk was right up there with the very best we’ve had at KCC and we would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Ross for agreeing to give us his outstanding presentation. It was truly inspirational and a joy to view.