Distinction Successes

Distinction Successes

We are proud to announce that two Keyworth Camera Club members have achieved further FIAP (The International Federation of Photographic Art) distinctions. These are awarded for achieving various targets by gaining acceptances in exhibitions run worldwide with FIAP patronage. Congratulations to Paul Burrows and David Kissman for gaining their EFIAP distinction (Excellence FIAP). Each level…

May 2024 Review

May 2024 Review

Season 2023/24 ends with a cliff-hanger. On May 2nd we showed the N&EMPF audio visual of the print sections of the 2024 Exhibition. As expected, this selection of quality photographs covered a wide range of subject matter that provided limitless inspiration for our members. This really was a night not to be missed. May 9th…

April 2024 Review

April 2024 Review

On April 4th, KCC held one of its ever-popular critique nights. This time, we tried a new format. Members were divided into small groups of five or six per table, and they discussed projected images. After each photograph was shown, a spokesperson for each table voiced the opinions of their group on how the image…

Success for Three Club Members

Success for Three Club Members

Success for three Keyworth Camera Club members. Congratulations to three of our newer members, Michael Barke, Geoff Foster and Trevor McHugh, for gaining 38 acceptances between them across both the print and dpi sections in the recent Leicester & Leicestershire P.S. Annual Exhibition. Not only did they achieve this impressive number of acceptances, seven of…

March 2024 Review

March 2024 Review

March saw Keyworth Camera Club return to the hall after two months of Zoom meetings. On the 7th we held the 5th round of our internal competition. This was for prints only and it had four categories; Colour, Monochrome, Nature, and the theme of Sacred Places and Places of Reverence. The competition brought in a…

February 2024 Review

February 2024 Review

Our February meetings were held entirely on Zoom, and due to the bad weather conditions we’ve had during this month it proved to be an inspired choice, as poor weather on club nights usually means fewer members turn up to the club room and by being able to take part from home meant we had…

Our PAGB GB Cup Results

Our PAGB GB Cup Results

Keyworth Camera Club are pleased to announce that three of our members gained awards in the recent PAGB GB Cup. The three photographs accompanying this post are the successful images. Congratulations to David Kissman for being awarded a silver medal by judge Neil Smith, for his picture ‘All Arms and Legs’. Geoff Foster’s photograph ‘Six…

January 2024 Review

January 2024 Review

As we move into a new year, Keyworth Camera Club have decided to have a couple of months where everything is done via Zoom, so we will all be tuning in from our homes and not having to venture out into the bitter weather conditions that can grip our country at this time of year….

December 2023 Review

December 2023 Review

December started with a bang, a superb evening from a very entertaining and terrific photographer. On the 7th, KCC were visited by Ray Brammell ARPS, EFIAP, DPAGB, APAGB who gave us a talk called All Kinds of Everything. Ray showed us many fabulous prints that covered a wide variety of subjects and his observations about…