Critique Evening – Dec 2021

On November 2nd we held another critique evening and members submitted 53 images for assessment. We invited one existing club judge and in addition one member who recently attended a N&EMPF Judges Seminar to provide their opinions on the images. Additionally, every member who was viewing the event had at least one opportunity to add their views about an image. This opportunity to get all members engaged in the process is helpful in developing their understanding of the merits and possible opportunities for improvements to the images they were viewing.
There was an excellent range of topics from nature to landscape, portrait to abstract, with the majority being in colour, although there were some very impactful monochrome images as well.
There were no winners and losers and while some images were unquestionable more appealing and impactful than others, the old adage that “it’s the taking part that is most important” certainly applied here. Many members feel that they get as much benefit from these critique evenings as they do from participating in orjust watching competition nights. So, with 6 competition nights and up to 4 critique nights in the season we are able to cater for the needs of everyone.
The pictures accompanying this post are as follows: Highland Cattle by Tony Walker, A Break in the Clouds by Richard Powers, Spiral Staircase by Silke Neugaertner, Baker Street by Gavin Brand, Robin Hood’s Bay by Julian Taylor and Frog by Trever Lax.