In the Kitchen
Having to close Keyworth Camera Club’s public meetings due to the Coronavirus outbreak the committee were keen to continue club activities online. Our club website has a member only area and this is one such place we are keen to develop more.
One idea was to have a weekly fun competition that would be voted on by our members. If possible, we’d like our membership to take new photographs for this but due to restrictions on travel we also encourage people to submit images from their files as long as they haven’t been seen before in the club.
Our first such competition had the theme of ‘In the Kitchen’ and it attracted a decent amount of entries and after a close finish – one point between first and second – we had a result.
Congratulations to Paul Burrows for his photograph Gas Rings, a worthy winner.
Close second was Rob Inglis with a very topical Lockdown Day One and third was Brian Garner with Sliced Pepper.