Charity Christmas Card
Congratulations to Keyworth Camera Club member Sue Hall as her beautiful image of the Grantham Canal has been selected for the Rushcliffe Borough Councils charity Christmas Card this year.

Congratulations to Keyworth Camera Club member Sue Hall as her beautiful image of the Grantham Canal has been selected for the Rushcliffe Borough Councils charity Christmas Card this year.
Our Third Internal competition took place on the night of December 10th. This was a dpi round that had three sections, Colour, Monochrome and the theme of Candid. Daan Oliver FRPS EFIAP agreed to assess our images and these were sent to him in advance so he could view them without any quality loss that can be caused by viewing just via Zoom….
Keyworth Camera Club held a critique on September 30th. A good number of our members submitted images showing a broad variety of subject matter including landscapes, sport and wildlife to learn how their images could be improved. Club member David Kissman led the critique and offered considered observations that took in sharpness, colour saturation, cropping,…
We are proud to announce that two Keyworth Camera Club members have achieved further FIAP (The International Federation of Photographic Art) distinctions. These are awarded for achieving various targets by gaining acceptances in exhibitions run worldwide with FIAP patronage. Congratulations to Paul Burrows and David Kissman for gaining their EFIAP distinction (Excellence FIAP). Each level…
Professional architecture photographer Martine Hamilton Knight PGCAP, FHEA visited Keyworth Camera Club on Thursday February 24th to give us her presentation Pevsner in Camera. Martine showed us some of Nottinghamshire’s extraordinary architecture, both exteriors and interiors of well-known and often unsung heroes of the built environment that feature in the new Pevsner Architectural book and…
Our annual battle against Lincoln Camera Club was held via Zoom on April 7th. This competition saw 30 images entered by both clubs, no-more than four per photographer. Our judge, Vin Scothern DPAGB EFIAP BPE5* PPSA, was asked to score each of the 60 photographs out of 20 and he was asked to choose his…
October began with an extremely well attended practical evening on the 5th. The session was an introduction to portrait lighting using basic equipment similar to what could be found in any home. Two acquaintances of one of our members had agreed to model for us and a thoroughly enjoyable evening was had by all during…