N&EMPF Prints 2020
For our April 30th meeting Keyworth Camera Club watched the N&EMPF 2020 Exhibition disc showing the accepted prints via Zoom.
The three selectors, Ralph Duckett MPAGB APAGB EFIAP, Robert Millin MFIAP DPAGB EFIAP/g ABPE and Bob Underhill APAGB passed their critical eyes over 1152 prints entered into three sections, Colour, Monochrome and Nature, 235 images scoring high enough to be accepted into the exhibition.
The selected prints showed a wide variety of subject matter and techniques but it was noticeable that the colour and monochrome sections were dominated by photographs featuring people in some way, which is the norm for similar exhibitions in the UK at the moment.
Some KCC members had been to the exhibition and viewed the prints themselves, so why watch a disc showing digital versions of these images? Two reasons really. There were too many prints to display in the exhibition rooms so not all images were there to see and Ashley Franklin’s commentary on the disc provided lots of insights into the where and how’s behind many of the photographs which were both educational and inspiring.
KCC members submitted a few prints for consideration but only one image scored high enough to make it into the exhibition. Congratulations to David Kissman for gaining an acceptance for his photograph Backhand – this can be seen top right in the picture accompanying this report.
If you didn’t get to the actual exhibition or would like to see all the accepted prints then this is an ideal way to do just that. The disc has been professionally put together by both Ashely Franklin and Jim Hartje and really does provide an evening of great, inspirational, entertainment.
The other three images shown are:
Yellow Room, Sprengel Gallery, Hannover by Nick Hopwood, Beeston (Notts.) CC
Saltwater Crocodile 2, Mangroves of Cuba by David Keep, Rolls-Royce (Derby) PS
Inquisition by Neil Humphries, Rolls-Royce (Derby) PS