Jubilee Campus
With the easing of Lockdown, Keyworth Camera Club has been able to begin its summer outing events. Unfortunately, the first one was called off due to bad weather but the second went ahead very successfully.
Wednesday 29th July saw eighteen members of the club make their own way to the Jubilee Campus in Nottingham for a 6:30pm start, later a nineteenth member arrived making this an extremely well supported event. Everyone was split into groups of four, mixing experienced and newer photographers so help could easily be asked for if needed. Each group headed out in a different direction so we could keep to the social distancing rules.
With magnificent buildings of all shapes and colours the obvious subject to try in this location was architecture but there are other things to photograph too, such as people, the lakes and wildlife. One Egyptian goose keeping many of us amused as it kept attacking its own reflection in one of the many glass fronted buildings.
Some members headed for home as the light began to fade but a number decided to stay and photograph the illuminated buildings against the darkening sky.
Our thanks go to Bev and David for organising this excellent evening which everyone thoroughly enjoyed, the chance to see and speak to other members in person being just one of the highlights.