The Small World of Macro Photography

Last night, September 3rd, was the first night of Keyworth Camera Club’s 2021/22 season. At the moment, we are still meeting via Zoom and we had a great turn out, including several new members, for a presentation on macro photography by Justin Garner.
For anyone with an interest in macro photography, or just curious about this challenging area of photography, then this talk was not to be missed. Justin covered a broad selection of subjects, such as flowers, fungi, insects, snails and a variety of products – many of the latter being items found in everyone’s home.
Justin explained his techniques, showing many behind the scene images too which illustrated where his reflectors were positioned and his lights when working in a studio. He talked about extension tubes and macro lenses, apertures, tripods, focusing rails and his experiments with focus stacking. Justin also included a number of photographs that hadn’t worked for various reasons and explained why he thought they had failed and what could be done to improve them.
We’d like to thank Justin for giving us this educational talk that was filled with hints and tips that we could all learn from and showing us some excellent images to support his commentary.