N&EMPF Exhibition 2020 – Viewing successful images

On the evening of February 20th, we showed the accepted pdi’s from the N&EMPF Exhibition of Photographs 2020. A number of our members had submitted work for selection and they had been reasonably successful as 16 pdi’s had made into the show, and one print had been chosen for that part of the exhibition.
This exhibition had broken many records, such as the number of clubs submitting work (42) and the quantity of entries (3449). Getting an image selected for this exhibition was a real achievement as the quality of the selected images was so high.
Once again, this outstanding show was put together by Jim Hartje with the commentary done by Ashley Franklin, whose observations were both informative and amusing, resulting in an excellent evenings entertainment.
A wide variety of inspiring photography graced our screen, although a few themes did appear regularly, mirroring the current trends in national exhibitions at this time.
Our members who gained acceptances should be justifiably delighted with their acceptances, making this our best year yet. Hopefully we can build on our successes and do even better in 2021. We would also like to publicly congratulate club member Natalie Burrows for winning the under 25 award for the fourth consecutive year.
To see full size images with names and titles click here