Club Competition March 2022

The fifth round of Keyworth Camera Club’s internal competition took place on Thursday 24th March. There were three sections: Monochrome, Nature, and the theme of Product Photography. 51 images were submitted across the categories.
Carol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE5 made a welcome return to judge our images. Carol’s assessments were very positive, always finding the good in the photographs presented to her. When she did point out something that could be improved, she explained how these enhancements could be done and what processing tools would enable us to make these suggested alterations.
Carol also explained what she would be looking for in our categories, such as a whole range of greys from white to black in the monochrome section. Carol also said that our nature entries made this a very strong section.
Thank-you Carol for giving us and entertaining, educational and encouraging evening full of constructive and supportive comments that will help us take our photography to the next level.
The three photographs supporting this report are the three section winners. To see who took them click and to see all the placed images then please follow this link: