Members Evening March 2022
On Thursday March 3rd, Keyworth Camera Club held a members evening in the form of a critique night. This was done via Zoom. The membership was split into three groups, two of which were sent into break-out rooms. Each group had its own set of images to evaluate and then had to choose their top three and a commended or two.
All the members were brought back together for the second half of the evening, and each group showed their set of images and relayed their thoughts on the photographs they’d appraised. Each group’s top image was then voted on by all the members to find an overall best photograph. The images accompanying this post are the three groups’ favourites. If you’d like to see who they are by and which one won the accolade of being best of the night then please click on each picture.
The evening was deemed a success as it produced some thoughtful and lively discussions on what makes a good photograph. There were many suggestions on how some of the images could be improved, be that from taking them again from a slightly different vantage point, waiting for better lighting, or improvements that could be made when processing the photographs such as tighter cropping, increasing contrast/brightness and removing distracting elements.
Thanks to David Kissman for organizing everything, to Gavin Brand for ensuring that Zoom worked as we wanted, and to Ron Maslin and Steve Myall for leading two of the groups, whilst David lead the third. Everyone agreed this was an entertaining and educational evening that would be worth repeating sometime in the future.