Critique Night 10th September
Our second meeting of the new season was a critique night. Many members submitted images for appraisal and that resulted in far too many to be discussed in one evening so we had to cut the amount shown to no more than four per photographer.
Four members of Keyworth Camera Club are approved N.&.E.M.P.F. judges so we decided to use two of them to comment on the wide variety of images sent in. David Kissman and Malcolm Sales took turns in leading the discussion about each image and everyone enjoyed hearing how different people evaluated the same photographs. Overall, both judges agreed with each other’s observations but sometimes had very different views. The need to crop or not, whether and image would work better as a colour or monochrome photograph, how long a shutter-speed produces the best effects on moving subjects such as water and how much of an image needs to be sharp were just some of the points the judges disagreed on, making for lively and entertaining debate.
Whether we agreed or not with the judges, both or one, there were plenty of hints and tips that could be used to improve our work, especially for those thinking of submitting their photographs into a competition later in the season.
After the critique members had the opportunity to challenge the judges which added to the enjoyment of the evening and lead to calls for more of the same later in the year.
We’d like to thank both David and Malcolm for taking up the challenge of assessing our images and for making the evening the great success it was seen to be.
The photographs accompanying this report are six of those shown on the night.