Bradgate Park Outing
Today, September 9th, eleven members of Keyworth Camera Club met at Bradgate Park, Leicestershire, for a day of photography and socializing, all observing social distancing. This meeting being part of our summer outings programme which has now been extended to take in the next few months as well.
When we arrived the day was warm and overcast but as we left the carpark the sun came out and we were blessed with beautiful weather that made for perfect conditions for walking, photography and our outside gathering to eat lunch whilst catching up on what everyone had been doing since our last trip out. It really is great to see our fellow club members in the flesh rather than via a screen.
Many photographs were taken of general scenes, candids of other park visitors, fungi and, of course, the deer – many of which were displaying fine sets of antlers.
No matter how great our photographs are, or aren’t, this really was a terrific day out that was greatly enjoyed by all.
Thanks must be given to Bev and David for the time they put into organizing this trip and we all left looking forward to our next outing later this month.