October Review
The month of October saw Keyworth Camera Club members enjoy a wide variety of subject matter in our weekly meetings. Three nights took place in the club room and one saw us stay at home and utilize Zoom so members of the Scottish cub, Alba Photographic Society, could join us.
On the 6th we were visited by Chris Newham, a landscape photographer who gave us a fascinating talk called Adventures in the Middle of Nowhere, which illustrated his exploration of the Faroe Islands.
Our first critique night of the season took place on the 13th. This saw members split into small groups to discuss some of our own pictures. The photographs accompanying this post are four images that the majority rated highly.
Zoom was used so our friends in Alba P.S. could join us on the 20th for a friendly battle Judged Alan Young FRPS EFIAP/d2 DPAGB PPSA ABPE. The evening was split into two halves, the first being a competition between the clubs’ intermediate photographers and the second half for advanced workers. The result was close in the intermediate competition but there was a larger gap in the advanced. Keyworth C.C. was victorious in both sections.
The last meeting of the month, on the 27th, saw us welcome Carol McNiven Young FRPS DPAGB EFIAP/b BPE5 to the club to give us her talk called Creative Studio Portraiture. This was an excellent evening that showed how a little planning could really help us be more successful in creating eye-catching portraits. Carol perfectly balanced the coming-up-with-ideas, sourcing clothing and props, lighting information, and processing techniques to make for a very inspirational evening.
November is set to be an equally memorable month. You can find out more by visiting our website. If you’d like to join us for any of these meetings, you’ll be more than welcome. https://keyworthcameraclub.org.uk/events