Fifth Competition Evening 2020-21

Paul Burrows – Greater Spotted Woodpecker

On Thursday March 25th Keyworth Camera Club held the fifth round of our internal competitions. The categories for this heat were Monochrome, Nature and the theme of Still Life. As has been the case for the last few years these nights prove to be very popular and once again, we saw a large number of entries put forward into all sections.

The judge casting his critical eye over the photographs was Roy Maddison. He passed on many observations that would improve the images, including to take care with aperture choice to ensure everything that needs to be in focus is. A couple of other remarks were to watch out for blown highlights and to not let a treatment overpower the picture and take away from the subject.

We’d like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Roy for taking the time to comment on our images and for the many words of encouragement that should help us improve our photography.

Paul Burrows – Dunstanburgh Castle

The three photographs included with this report are the section winners. If you’d like to see all the placed photographs in all the categories please follow the link.

Brian Garner – Sliced Red Pepper

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