N.&.E.M.P.F. Memorial Lecture

This evening the above five members of KCC headed out to the N.&.E.M.P.F. Memorial Lecture. This year the guest speaker was Howard Tate MA ARPS AFIAP. Howard is the current President of the P.A.G.B., a member of Gamma Photoforum, which is a photo group for photographers who work in projects and has an invite only membership. As well as giving lecturers he is also a judge.
Although this free lecture held in the Chatsworth Arts Centre in Long Eaton didn’t seem to be quite as well attended as previous years it was great to catch up with many people we hadn’t seen for a long time, as photographers come from all over the N.&.E.M.P.F. region for this event.
Howard’s presentation was a print talk but pdi’s of his images were projected too so even those at the back of the auditorium could see his photographs in all their glory. Seeing Howard’s prints was an eye-opener as the majority of these were A2 in size and the boxes he’d brought them along in required two people to manhandle. Howard’s commentary was packed with humorous stories that had the audience laughing out loud many times.
Howard finished the evening by showing some panoramic prints, that were long and narrow, and required a second person to hold the opposite end to him, yes they folded out that long. Very impressive they were too and certainly made us think about different ways to present our work.
Next years speakers were announced as being Rod and Anne Wheelans, and that will certainly be worth attending.
Of course, our small group of attendees rounded off the night in the pub as is tradition.