First Competition Night 2019-20
Tonight was the night of this season’s first internal competition for digital projected images in three sections. Our judge for the evening was Bob Richards LRPS CPAGB.
We had a high entry in all three categories, open colour, nature and the theme of Agriculture and Farming. Due to receiving well over hundred submissions we had to reduce the number of photographs in the theme section to give our judge enough time to comment on all the other images.
All three sections contained a wide variety of subject matter, although tractors seemed to be a popular subject in the theme category. Nature had a fairly even spread of insects, birds and mammals – more of the latter than we’ve seen before, which is great to see.
Bob Richards did an admirable job in tackling the large number of images presented to him. His comments were clear and informative, providing useful tips on composition and technique that we’re sure many will follow in the desire to improve their photography. One of the main observations of the night being that many images would have been better had the photographer got closer to their subject.
We would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Bob for doing such a splendid job in both explaining his thoughts and managing the time he had to do this.
The three images shown are the section winners. These photographs and all other placed images can be seen on the competition page if you Click Here