Second Competition Evening 2020-2021
Our second Internal competition took place on the night of November 12th. This was a dpi round that had three sections, Monochrome, Nature and the theme of Waterscape. Vin Scothern DPAGB BPE5* PPSA AFIAP had agreed to assess our images and these were sent to him in advance so he could view them without any quality loss that can be caused by viewing just via Zoom.
Vin tackled the mammoth task admirably. Pacing himself superbly so he could comment equally on all the images – as usual we had received a large entry in all sections. Vin’s observations were excellent and his encouraging explanations on how to improve our photographs were constructive and easy to follow.
Some points for us to think about before entering the next round was to make sure a bright background doesn’t overpower a dark subject, watch out for oversaturation and white halo’s around parts of the picture. He encouraged us to think about cropping and said that nature subjects are usually more impressive if coming towards the viewer rather than away.
Vin often stated how impressed he was with the quality of our work, both in composition and processing. He made more than one comment on how we had a good understanding of the use of colour palettes to produce eye-catching photographs.
We would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Vin for doing such a sterling job, as he always does. The three images accompanying this report are the section winners, to see who took them please click on each photograph. If you’d like to view all the placed photographs (eight in each section) then please follow this link: