New Clickers Jan 2020
Before the main event on the evening of January 23rd we held the latest New Clicker event. These are aimed at teaching the basics of photography to those newer to our hobby or any member that feels a refresher course would be advantageous.
This time the New Clickers group met to review images that they had taken over the Christmas period. The challenge had been to take 4 or 6 images on a theme of their own choosing. There was a theme base around landscapes (see picture), one was a set of photos that had been taken as part of a visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park and the third set was a group of Christmas Wreaths that were photographed on the doors of houses in the area.
David then led a review of the images asking the attendees to look at each image and firstly to find two good things to say about each one and then 2 things that they thought might improve the image. It wasn’t long before everyone was in judge mode and providing lots of great feedback to the photographers!
There is no doubt that the New Clickers are growing in confidence not only in taking photographs but also being willing to share them and offer and receive feedback.
It was so successful that it was agreed to repeat the process at the next meeting.
There was also a request for a session to look at workflow – what to do when you get home with your memory card full of photos.