Online Critique night – 17th April 2020
April 17th saw Keyworth Camera Club hold another online meeting via Zoom. This was our second critique evening but with an added extra.
We started fairly early but had a quick break just before 8.00pm so everyone could go outside and take part in the weekly show of appreciation for all our NHS staff and those other indispensable workers helping in the fight against Covid 19 and helping to keep the vulnerable safe and essential services going.
David Kissman BPE1* took on the challenge of critiquing our work, which he did with enthusiasm, his words suggesting ways to better the images presented to him in many different ways, which included ideas for more post-processing and thinking more about the scene before pressing the shutter-button. All of David’s comments were encouraging and gave our members food for thought.
Once the critique part of the night finished, Rob Inglis took over and used two of the images David had suggested improvements for and did a live Photoshop demonstration which showed exactly how David’s ideas could be achieved. Seeing how easily these changes could be made was a revelation for many of those watching and we are sure they will be trying some of these techniques soon.
As well as thanking David and Rob for their time we must also add a big thank-you to Gavin and Adrian for making the whole thing possible with their expertise with the technical know-how on making the whole evening work so successfully.
The images below are four of those David commented on and the other is a rogue gallery of some of the members who logged into our session.