A Sporting Chance

This evening Vin Scothern DPAGB AFIAP BPE5* PPSA visited Keyworth Camera Club to give his latest presentation A Sporting Chance.
The first half of this new talk covered a number of different sporting subjects such as cross-country horse riding, tennis, triathlon and water polo. After the break Vin showed a variety of subjects that included nature, architecture and landscape work.
Vin’s commentary both entertained and informed. Techniques were explained in an easy to understand language and he also talked about the problems he encountered whilst pursuing his subjects and how he managed to overcome them. All this educational information was interspersed with humorous tales from both a shooting the subject point of view and from presenting his excellent images to a judge.
It certainly wasn’t evident that this was the first time Vin had shown this presentation to anyone, the show flowed smoothly and was very much appreciated by the audience.
We would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Vin for putting this show together for us and for providing us with a very enjoyable evening.