First Competition Night 2021-22 Season

The first heat of our internal competition for the 2021/22 season was held on Thursday, October 14th. This dpi round had three sections, Open Colour, Nature and the theme of Lockdown Lifting. As has often happened with our club competitions we had to reduce the number of entries so the judge would be able to finish assessing our work within a reasonable time. As it was, Kylie-ann Matin EFIAP, BPE2*, CPAGB, LDPS had a total of 85 images to comment on. These photographs came from 19 of our members, which illustrates just how popular these competitions are.

Female Emperor Moth

Kylie passed on some very helpful observations, many of which applied to photographs entered in all three sections. These included not to over sharpen images as this often degrades the picture and can lead to a gritty appearance, watch out for distractions in the backgrounds – be this unwanted items or bright highlights, add a key-line to dark edged photographs so we can clearly see where the picture ends and the screen begins, and to put a personal spin on images showing someone else’s artwork. 


We would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Kylie for her thoughtful and encouraging words on our images that were welcomed by all our members. 

Busy Beach

The three photographs accompanying this post are the winners of each section. You can also click on the following link to see all the placed images – 1st, 2nd, 3rd and five commended in each section.

From the club’s point-of-view it was great to see some of our new members having work held back and gaining placed positions, so congratulations to Clive, Silke and Trevor.

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