Lockdown Shots – Malcolm Sales
Congratulations to KCC member Malcolm Sales for getting two images published in the BIPP’s magazine, The Photographer, in their Lockdown feature. Both photographs were taken in Bingham.
Congratulations to KCC member Malcolm Sales for getting two images published in the BIPP’s magazine, The Photographer, in their Lockdown feature. Both photographs were taken in Bingham.
Thursday December 3rd saw Keyworth Camera Club visited by Bill Ward via Zoom. Bill gave us his excellent presentation ‘In Search of…’. With Bill’s blessing we were joined by Nottingham Outlaws Photographic Society and many guests making this our most attended evening so far this season. Bill began by telling us about his background which…
Keyworth Camera Club held a critique on September 30th. A good number of our members submitted images showing a broad variety of subject matter including landscapes, sport and wildlife to learn how their images could be improved. Club member David Kissman led the critique and offered considered observations that took in sharpness, colour saturation, cropping,…
On November 2nd we held another critique evening and members submitted 53 images for assessment. We invited one existing club judge and in addition one member who recently attended a N&EMPF Judges Seminar to provide their opinions on the images. Additionally, every member who was viewing the event had at least one opportunity to add…
The fifth round of Keyworth Camera Club’s internal competition took place on Thursday 24th March. There were three sections: Monochrome, Nature, and the theme of Product Photography. 51 images were submitted across the categories. Carol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP/b DPAGB BPE5 made a welcome return to judge our images. Carol’s assessments were very positive, always…
November 7th saw four KCC members give twenty-minute presentations of their choice and we were treated to some excellent imagery and observations about their photography. John opened the night by showing how he had applied techniques learnt over the years of being a club member to his images to improve them. He also showed a…
On Thursday October 21st, Keyworth Camera Club was visited via Zoom by Janet Haines ARPS FIPF EFIAP GPSA DPAGB. Janet gave us a presentation called Inside My Head. Her visions being translated into photographic art that made her thoughts visual in beautiful fantasy imagery that were a joy to see. Janet began by showing her…