Summer Lockdown Competition Night 4
Thursday August 13th saw Keyworth Camera Club hold its last summer competition via Zoom. As with the previous three rounds there were two sections, colour and monochrome, the only restriction being that each entrant could only submit two nature images over both sections. 46 images were entered into the colour section and 32 in monochrome.
The judge was Kylie-Ann Martin EFIAP, BPE2* LDPS and she tackled the task of casting a critical eye over our work with great enthusiasm handing out praise and criticism in encouraging and clear dialogue. Kylie explained how some of the images could be improved by toning down bright areas in backgrounds and said we need to be vigilant about not burning out highlights and be careful not to over-process our photographs. Kylie also gave out some excellent technical and processing advice.
The two photographs accompanying this report are the category winners, Soothing Flow by Rob Inglis and Tarn Hows by Paul Burrows. If you’d like to see all the placed images then click this link:…
We would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Kylie for her first-rate assessment of our images.