Inter Club Battle
This evening saw Keyworth Camera Club take on Arnold & District Camera Club in an inter club battle. Each club submitted 30 images and these were assessed by David Gibbins ARPS APAGB EFIAP/b BPE5* CPAGB/AV. David would be marking the images out of 20. This competition was held via Zoom and had a good attendance from both clubs.
David had been able to view all the images before the competition, so he’d had plenty of time to evaluate the photographs presented to him. David commented that the pictures were of a very high standard, as they should be as each club ought to be using their very best work for an interclub competition. This would be reflected in his scoring by the number of images held back for the highest marks (18 upwards). 15 photographs made this final cut. A further 13 images just missed out on the top places, gaining 17 points.
David’s thoughtful comments were swift and to the point. His words were complimentary and occasionally he offered suggestions on how improvements, such as cropping, could be done to enhance the photograph.
Of the 15 held back images, seven gained 18 points, seven were marked at 19 and one achieved the highest score of 20. The photographs accompanying this report are those that scored 19 and 20, you can discover who took them and what their marks were by clicking on the individual images.
The overall points for each club were Keyworth CC 512 and Arnold & District CC 483. Even though KCC won we are sure the Arnold members enjoyed this competition as much as ours did and we’d like to thank them for taking part in this battle with us.
We’d also like to take this opportunity to thank David Gibbins for agreeing to be the judge for the night and for the time he took in preparing his assessment of the 60 images presented to him. Your words were considerate, inspiring and entertaining David and we hope you enjoyed the evening as much as we did.