January Review 2025

We have now entered the ‘Zoom’ phase of our year, as all meetings in January and February (apart from the last Thursday) are on-line. This enables us to see presentations by top photographers from all over the UK and further afield covering a wide range of subjects. 

January started with Kevin Pigney on his passion for wildlife photography. There were so many wonderful images that it was impossible not to have been impressed and truly inspired. What could possibly follow that? Well, we managed it: next came James Kerwin’s ‘Abandoned Buildings’ – a fascinating collection of images exploring neglect, decay and the stories that may have been behind them.

Our third session of the month was completely different again: ‘Faces and Figures’ with Dave Stewart. This looked at photographing people in the studio and outdoors before moving onto taking pictures at Heavy Metal concerts and re-enactment events.

Our final speaker of January was Michael Berkeley who showed us a mix of excellent sport and concert photographs, explaining lens choices and the techniques required to photography these challenging subjects.

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