N&EMPF’s 66th Exhibition Part Two
March 4th saw us having to make a change to our programme so we brought forward the showing of the second part of the N&EMPF Exhibition 2021. This 66th exhibition attracted a record-breaking number of entries and acceptances. Keyworth Camera Club achieved our best results too, with twenty images being selected for the exhibition. Having already seen nine of our photographs in the first part we got to see the final eleven this time around, which you can see below.
Special congratulations to Natalie Burrows for winning the best under 25 trophy for the fifth year running and to Steve Myall for being awarded a highly commended in the nature section.
We saw a wide range of subjects in part 2 of the open colour and nature section before viewing the highest scoring photographs and award winners from the whole exhibition. The photographs were all of a very high standard in both content and finish. Ashley Franklin’s commentary being both informative and entertaining.
If you get the opportunity to view this exhibition then we urge you to do so as there really is some stunning photography to see that will truly inspire you.