October Review 2024

The first Thursday of October saw us hold the first round of our 2024-5 season. A wealth of entries showed various styles and perspectives. It was eye-opening to see the impressive range of images being displayed in both print and pdi sections making our judge Phil Peat’s task of deciding the winners very challenging. The images accompanying this post are those that Phil gave top honours to in each category. You can see all the placed images by following this link: https://keyworthcameraclub.org.uk/round-one-2024-25

On October 10th, Chris Stone visited us a gave a talk called Touring the British Isles. His wealth of knowledge of his subjects was excellent as he showed us photographs from Cornwall, Wales, Yorkshire, The Lake District, and Scotland.

In contrast, the following week we welcomed Lois Webb who gave a talk on Surrealism. This was a fascinating insight into how complex, composite images can be blended together to create alternative worlds for us to look at. It was quite a mind-bending evening!

To round off October in a more pragmatic style, three of our own club members explained the process behind gaining photographic distinctions. Those offered by the RPS, FIAP, BPE, and the PAGB were looked at and many examples of work was shown that had successfully been submitted to exhibitions worldwide. This gave our members plenty to think about and quite a few have decided to start this satisfying journey.

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