The Art of Zoo Photography

The Art of Zoo Photography

This Evening, 15th October, Keyworth C.C. welcomed Tal Chohan to the club to give us his presentation The Art of Zoo Photography. This talk was absolutely superb. Tal’s stunning images showing just what it’s possible to achieve photographing wildlife in zoos and safari parks with a little thought, pre-planning and knowledge of your subjects. The…

How to Cheat at Photography

How to Cheat at Photography

Keyworth Camera Club and guests witnessed a fascinating presentation on October 1st called ‘How to Cheat at Photography’ given to us by Steven Galvin LRPS. We were challenged numerous times to question if it’s ok to cheat, and if so, how far should you change a photograph before it becomes unacceptable – if indeed it…

Members Night Sept 2020

Members Night Sept 2020

Our Thursday night Zoom meeting this week took the form of a members evening and we invited a number of colleagues to share some images with the club members. The images were not necessarily to be of competition quality. There would be no judging or critique. We simply asked them to tell us why the…

Bradgate Park Outing

Bradgate Park Outing

Today, September 9th, eleven members of Keyworth Camera Club met at Bradgate Park, Leicestershire, for a day of photography and socializing, all observing social distancing. This meeting being part of our summer outings programme which has now been extended to take in the next few months as well. When we arrived the day was warm…

Welcome Night and Treasure Hunt Results

Welcome Night and Treasure Hunt Results

Tonight saw the first Keyworth Camera Club meeting of the season with an internal themed competition via Zoom. The Chairman welcomed everyone and thanked the committee team for their extra hard work in providing the additional summer programme of competitions, critiques, speakers, members workshops and external location shoots. The competition was a treasure hunt. Members…

Summer Outing to Wysall

Summer Outing to Wysall

Wysall is only two and a half miles from Keyworth yet it proved to provide plenty of interest for members of the camera club who attended another Summer Outing event last night. Bev greeted the members and firstly reminded them of the need to observe suitable social distancing during the evening. She then provided each…